مخبوزات التحرير

116 ب ش التحرير, الدقى, الجيزة

3.0 التقييم / (1) تقييمات

اكتشف الأعمال المشابهة بالقرب منك!

اظهر الخريطة

التقييمات والتعليقات


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Marium Mohamed

This bakery is fantastic they are very special in everything even in their name which is the symbol of liberty. They are very creative in their baking, everything is very fresh and the ingredients and flavors are very unusual, such as the bread with sesame seeds which is delicious. The store is very clean which is reassuring and they sell many other things besides baked goods, such as cheeses. I love it, you have to try it.

هل لديك صلة بهذا العمل؟

إثبات ملكيتك أو صلتك بهذا العمل تتيح لك إمكانية تحديث معلومات شركتك على هذا الموقع.

التقييمات والتعليقات


1 تقييم

5 - 0 تقييم

4 - 0 تقييم

3 - 1 تقييم

2 - 0 تقييم

1 - 0 تقييم

Marium Mohamed

This bakery is fantastic they are very special in everything even in their name which is the symbol of liberty. They are very creative in their baking, everything is very fresh and the ingredients and flavors are very unusual, such as the bread with sesame seeds which is delicious. The store is very clean which is reassuring and they sell many other things besides baked goods, such as cheeses. I love it, you have to try it.

هل لديك صلة بهذا العمل؟

إثبات ملكيتك أو صلتك بهذا العمل تتيح لك إمكانية تحديث معلومات شركتك على هذا الموقع.