Golden Pipe Co. For Manufacturing UPVC Pipes

16 Iran St., Flat 5, Floor 1, Dokki, Giza Near To Somalia Embassy



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The leading manufacturer of plastic UPVC pipes. Manufacturing and exporting grey, white and colored pipes of various diameters (32-630 mm) for various sectors including water networks, irrigation, sewage, drinking water, wells, landscaping, telephony, gas and electrical cables.

Business Description

- Golden Pipe Company is a pioneer in the manufacture of plastic pipes, such as sewage pipes and plastic water pipes. 
- The company has been accredited by:
- The company has been certified by the National Authority for Potable Water and Sanitation.
- The company has been certified by the Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Co.
- The company has been accredited by the New Administrative Capital of Egypt.
- The company has been certified by the West Delta Irrigation Development Department
- The company has been accredited by the Irrigation Improvement project - West Delta
- The company has been certified by the Irrigation Development Department in the Middle Delta.
- The company has been accredited by the Arab Contractors Company.
- Approved by Military Security Complex (accredited by Armed Forces)
- Approved by the New Urban Communities Authority (New Urban Authorities).
- The company has been certified by the Egyptian General Petroleum Authority under number (1129).
- The company has been certified by Telecom Egypt (cable protection pipes)
- The company has been certified by Madinaty project (Talaat Mostafa).
- Test certificates were obtained from the National Research Center.
- Test certificates were obtained from Plastic Technology Center.
- The company has ISO 9001: 2015 certification.
- Previous Projects:
- Egyptian Armed Forces
- Telecom Egypt
- Suez Canal Authority companies
- Ministry of Agriculture
- Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation
- Arab Contractors
- Hassan Allam
- Misr Concrete Development Co.
- Giza for General Contracting
- The company provided supplying services for the following companies:
- Water network, Baragil - Giza - Executed by the National Authority for Potable Water and Sanitation.
- Sanitation, in Abu El Matamir - Beheira, Executed by Al Nasr General Contracting Company.
- Execution of the water networks of Akhmim Center and villages - Sohag. Executed by the National Authority for Potable Water and Sanitation – Sohage.
- Ebni Betak project 400 acres El Minya, executed by El Nasr Buildings and Construction - Egyco.
- Sanitation works in Marsa Matrouh. Executed by Al Nasr General Contracting Company.
- The new water station in the Nabq area, Sharm El Sheikh. Executed by the Ministry of Housing - Sinai Development Authority.

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09:00 - 18:00

09:00 - 18:00

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09:00 - 18:00

09:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 18:00