Caught in traffic and need to find a phone number? Heard about a new restaurant or clothing shop and need the address? Need to discover pharmacies or doctors in your neighborhood? Looking for the nearest bank, cinema or a shopping mall?
Look no further than Yellow Pages; Egypt's favorite and most trusted business directory. The Yellow.com.eg website is accessible by any mobile device in Egypt and around the world that has the ability to access the Internet. Mobile Yellow Pages presents structured information in a structured way. All results are actual business listings. Easy to search, easy to find, easy to read and easy to dial.
Egypt Yellow Pages easy to use Mobile Apps will provide major categories of business, points of interest closest to you and driving directions, so you'll never get lost again! To view the Yellow Pages Mobile portal, simply enter the Yellow.com.eg URL in any web-enable mobile device or download our FREE iPhone, Android, Windows 8 or Blackberry apps, and enjoy access to hundreds of thousands of businesses, telephone numbers, addresses, URL’s, maps… Anything from anywhere.
Don't just search…find!