El Orabi For Tanks Industry

Km 4 Qalioub Shebin El Qanater Rd., Qalyub, Kaliobeya



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Leading manufacturers of fiberglass products. Over thirty years of experience since 1988. A specialized team of engineers. Producing large tanks (up to 1000 m3) for water and chemicals of all concentrations. All types and shapes including horizontal, vertical, conical, spherical, collection, square, equilateral, and portable chemical tanks (up to 25m) and buried tanks (up to 3m).

Business Description

- Al-Orabi Company is one of the leading companies in manufacturing fiberglass products. We have specialized engineers with more than 30 years of experience since 1988.
- In addition to our typical fiberglass products such as kiosks, car cabins, industrial products and special designs, we have been distinguished in the production of all types of water and chemical tanks from (1) m3 to (1000) m3 cylindrical, horizontal, vertical, spherical, conical and assembly segments, including squared, rectangular and irregular shape This is for the limited areas to store the largest amount of water in the least area.
- Buried tanks (UGT) and mobile and portable tanks on trucks, tanks with fixed, static and dynamic loads and pressure tanks, with many and multiple sizes for one tank to suit all storage places.
- Our Mission:
- The advancement of the Egyptian industry in our field of specialization.
- To provide Egyptian and Arab consumers with an alternative to traditional tanks.
- We are particularly distinguished in the production of large tanks up to (200 m3) for water and chemicals of all concentrations and types and in all their horizontal, vertical, conical, spherical, collector, square and irregular shapes, chemical tanks carried on trucks up to 25 meters and buried tanks up to 3 cubic meters.

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Working Hours








09:00 - 17:00

09:00 - 17:00

09:00 - 17:00

09:00 - 17:00

09:00 - 17:00


09:00 - 17:00