El Safwa For Medical Equipments & Supplies

22 Champillion St., Azarita, Alexandria Beside El Bait El Shamy Restaurant



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El-Safwa Company Medical Devices and Equipment and Medical Supplies Since 2008. We are distinguished by a wide variety of medical devices and supplies at unbeatable prices, whether in the commercial sale section of companies and medical institutions or in the prices of the public sales department. We have medical devices and supplies such as: ventilators - glucose analyzers - physical therapy devices - stethoscope - bedsore mattress.

Business Description

From our clients:
- Public sector hospitals:
- Al-Amaria General Hospital
- Gamal Abdel Nasser Hospital
- El-miri Hospital
- Student Hospital
- Fever Hospital
- El-Amry Hospital
- El-Mowasah Hospital
Private sector hospitals:
- Petroleum Hospital
- Nozha Hospital
- Madina Hospital
- Al-Fayrouz Hospital
- Mecca Specialized Hospital
- Al-Yousr Hospital
- Saint Mary Hospital
- Romany Hospital
- Faragallah Hospital
- Talaat Mostafa Hospital
- City Hospital
- In addition to a large group of pharmacies and private clinics throughout Alexandria and the neighboring governorates.
Pharmaceutical companies and other sectors such as:
-Alexandria Library
-San Giovanni Hotel
-International Maritime Company
-Pharaonic Pharmaceutical Company
-Al-Esraa Pharmaceutical Company
-Al-Safwa Medical Equipment and Supplies Company since 2008. During those past years we were able to obtain the confidence of our customers from institutions, companies, doctors and individuals.
We provide our services for:
- Governmental and private hospitals and medical centers
- Clinics and Doctors
- Pharmacies
- Laboratories and x-ray centers
- We also provide our services to the public
- Through (showrooms and sales outlets - online via our electronic sales platforms).
We are distinguished by a wide variety of medical devices and supplies at unbeatable prices, whether in the commercial sale section of companies and medical institutions or in the selling prices to the public.
We have medical equipment, supplies and sports equipment such as:
Breathing apparatus
Glucose analyzers
Physical therapy devices
Bedsore mattress
Among our advantages:
- Distinguished professional staff
- Free delivery service as soon as possible
- Our clients are in all governorates
- Affordable and competitive prices
- Quality specifications are a condition that we cannot compromise on.
- We have an advantage in the diversity of options in a way that makes it easier for the customer to make the purchase decision.
- We have all the needs of the devices and supplies of all international brands.
- Providing exchange and return service.
- Provide continuous technical support to all our customers throughout the day.
We want to be your first choice always when looking for a medical devices, medical supplies and sports equipment company

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Working Hours








09:00 - 21:00

09:00 - 21:00

09:00 - 21:00

09:00 - 21:00

09:00 - 21:00


09:00 - 21:00