Esraa Essam Accounting Office

40 Ahmed El Sawy St., Off Makram Ebaid St., Nasr city, Cairo



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“Esraa Essam” Office is certified public accountants, auditors and tax experts. “Esraa Essam Office” team of board-certified accountants helps you deal with accounting problems in the most convenient and easy way. Because we have a team of professionals with high experience and proven competence in the field of accounting and legal consulting, which guarantees you accuracy and reliability in every service we provide.

Business Description

“Esraa Essam” office is certified public accountants, auditors and tax experts. 
- Establishing companies electronically.
- Establishing individual establishments.
- Obtaining the commercial register.
- Obtaining the tax card.
- Obtaining a value-added certificate.
- Obtaining the investment gazette.
- Registering the company in the electronic invoice.
- Amending companies of all types.
- Documenting lease contracts.
- Periodic review of companies’ accounts, along with conducting a documentary cycle and approving budgets.
- Documenting budgets sent outside Egypt.
- Issuing all types of licenses, including work permits.
- Dealing with the Public Authority for Industrial Development.
- Making and amending the industrial register.
- Making and amending the operating license.
- Applying for industrial lands and all proposals.
- Submitting and following up on requests to transfer industrial lands.
- Apply for (seal and electronic signature), activate it, create codes, and upload invoices on the new portal and on the portal.
- Preparing monthly and annual returns (added value and income)
- Feasibility study and review work.
- Review the financial statements.
- Making estimated budgets for expansion plans.
- Accounting system. 
- Review the accounting system and business cycle.
- Design the company’s proposed accounting cycle.
- Deduction and collection tax.
- Review and submit quarterly data and discount rates (1% - 3% - 5%) according to the legally specified dates on the Egyptian Tax Authority website, follow up on payment of the due tax and close the tax period.
- Social Security.
- Opening an insurance file with the office to which the company belongs.
- Submitting 2 insurance forms annually to the Insurance Office.
- Follow up on payment of what is due to the Social Insurance Authority.
- Electronic invoice.
- Supervising registration in the electronic invoice/electronic receipt system. 
- Review the recording of revenues and costs sent to and from the system.

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Working Hours








09:00 - 18:00

09:00 - 18:00

09:00 - 18:00

09:00 - 18:00

09:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 18:00