Takamol For Accounting & Companies Establishment

358 Gamal Abdel Nasser St., Miami, Alexandria


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Takamol accounting office is your tax advisor No. 1 in Egypt. A team of highly qualified consultants. We provide pre-incorporation services (feasibility studies, preparing financial and administrative regulations), incorporation services (making amendments and mergers, changing the legal form of the company, dividing, mergers and liquidation of companies), and post-incorporation services (reviewing and approving investment funds). Experienced in ending tax evasion disputes.

Business Description

- Takamol Accounting Office is your leading tax consultant in Egypt. Accounting offices will assist you with accounting, tax, and auditing services, from pre-establishment services to consultations and accounting and tax procedures. We always strive to serve our clients and help them achieve their goals, providing financial consultations that aid you in launching and growing.
- The office comprises a team of elite accountants and auditors with the highest levels of experience and precision to meticulously execute accounting tasks and responsibilities. We emphasize our responsibility towards our community and have been analyzing the current reality of the Egyptian and Arab markets for the past 16 years. Takamol Accounting Company has provided a wide range of services to prominent commercial and service establishments in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates, whether your activities are commercial or service-oriented.
Our accounting and tax services include the following:
- Company establishment services for both corporate entities and sole proprietorships, including feasibility studies and a balance sheet.
- Accounting management, preparation, and compilation of reports and financial statements.
- Bookkeeping and internal accounts maintenance for the company, along with conducting all auditing operations.
- Financial statement analysis, filing of tax returns, registration within the electronic invoice system, and income statement.
- Complete tax accounting services, providing all necessary financial accounting required for your company.
- Trademark registration and licensing, obtaining import/export cards, and procurement card registration.
Our Customers:
- Alexandria Bar Association.
- Egytrans EDS.
- Beheaira Pharmacists Company.
- Accurate Electrical Contracting.
- Etlalah Real Estate Marketing.
- Nile Advanced Trade.
- Hammam Al-Sham.
- Italian for entertainment games.
- Seven Sky Food Industries.
- ElBorg Steel.

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